i am disappointed. TERRIBLY.
i look at the 3/4 empty sketchbook and i feel i've been keeping empty promises to no one but me. did i not hope and fantasize (during promos) that it'll be filled once i have the time?
oh time. how ironic! when you get bitter about how little of it you have, you make so much out of it. and when you're drowned into the depths of it, you cant seem to get anything proper done!
why the backstage crew job and the guides camp was definitely smashing.
enriching, short time, but packed with energy and drive. now when time seems to be infinite, i am definitely doing nothing at all. not nothing i suppose, i'm slacking.
thats not good because i'm flying off again in a few days time and i've just merely graized the first letters of my homework. i seem to be taking sardonic pleasure in knowing what trouble i'll get into but not exactly trying to change my oh-so-happy fate.
but the isolation is definitely addictive.
taking my (soon to be limited) time in basking in my solitude.