Tuesday, October 18, 2005

i read about her history
her tears and falls.

i never knew and probably wouldnt have known from her calm mask she donned on day after day, about her persisting darkening daylights.

two she's from two worlds but playwriting their life in the same elaborate fashion.
was it merely a hideaway or was it a disillusion?
its not only them... is it?

how the masks of emotions have overcome all, we cant even tell which time its real.
have we become inept of displaying the truth or has the world chilled our depths of emotions?
do we question our tears when they flow, what makes them fall?
do we question our smiles when they appear, what commands them to show?
maybe it was just another performance, another act to be completed.
demands for perfection, monotony and assured security.

when will the curtains close?

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

i wrote a letter to her
i asked her what was wrong
about me

waiting for a hopeless reply
maybe she'd help
in some way

would she turn away
with scorn
would she laugh it off
and say i was thinking too much

or am i just
